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Cost of Doing Business in Morgan and Scott Counties, Illinois
Most Common American Community Survey Industries in Morgan County
Most Common American Community Survey Industries in Scott County
2020 Unemployment Insurance
Minimum Rate | .200% |
Maximum Rate | 6.4% |
Maximum with Fund Building | 6.825% |
Taxable Wage Base | $12,740 |
Illinois Workers’ Compensation
Average rate per $100 of payroll | $2.23 |
Illinois Corporate Tax Rate
Business Income Tax | 7% |
Personal Property Replacement Tax | 2.5% |
Total | 9.5% |
Illinois Individual Income Tax Rate 4.95%
Sales/Use Tax Rate
State Rate | 6.25% |
Home Rule | .75% |
School Facility and Resource Tax | 1.0% |
Total | 8.0% |
Morgan and Scott Counties
State Rate | 6.25% |
School Facility and Resources Tax | 1.0% |
Total | 7.25% |
Morgan and Scott Counties
Real Property Tax Assessment 33.33%
State of Illinois: Block Grant, Tax Credits, Low-Interest Loans
Morgan and Scott Counties: Enterprise Zone
Jacksonville: Revolving Loan Fund, Enterprise Zone, TIF, Opportunity Zone
Sources: Data USA, Illinois Department of Revenue, Illinois Department of Employment Security, City of Jacksonville, Morgan County, Scott County