Jacksonville Regional Economic Development Corporation Celebrates Economic Development Week, May 6 – 10

Jacksonville Regional Economic Development Corporation Celebrates Economic Development Week, May 6 – 10 Main Photo

6 May 2024

We’re excited to celebrate Economic Development Week (EDW) from May 6–10. EDW, established by the International Economic Development Council, highlights the importance of economic development in our region and across the globe.

We know how important economic development is when it comes to the region’s growth and prosperity. The work we do each day at the Jacksonville Regional Economic Development Corporation (JREDC) enhances the Jacksonville Region’s economic well-being, wealth and overall quality of life of our residents.

“We’re working really hard to build a vibrant and sustainable community that has something for everyone,” said Kristin Jamison, President of JREDC. “Our strategic partnerships, investors projects work together to create a supportive environment for businesses and residents alike so that they can thrive here.”

What Does JREDC Do?

At its core, economic development involves a range of activities to attract, create and retain jobs to foster a resilient and growing economy. It requires close coordination between businesses, government entities and various community stakeholders to achieve sustainable success.

Our work is dedicated to supporting businesses in the region, new and existing, through a variety of programs and services including:

  • Business Attraction: Work with public and private sector partners to market available sites and buildings to attract new investment to the region. 
  • Business Creation: Assist partners to encourage and support start-ups and emerging businesses so more will survive and grow locally within the region. 
  • Business Retention/Expansion: Expand our business retention and expansion program, with assistance from our allies, to maintain contact with every large employer and many smaller ones at least once per year. 
  • Workforce Development: Collaborate with the Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce to implement a new workforce development approach – or talent pipeline management – to meet the needs of today’s changing business environment.

Driving Economic Development: How We Support Business Success

For 2024, our team set seven goals to support our mission to create, expand, recruit and retain job opportunities for the Jacksonville Region. These goals aim to:

  1. Improve regional quality of life by promoting amenities, advancing place-making strategies, marketing reliable infrastructure and enhancing digital connectivity. 
  2. Foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem by supporting young entrepreneurs, assisting new businesses in the Main Street District and advising on property acquisition for startups. 
  3. Strengthen the workforce through partnerships with local colleges, upskilling programs and a comprehensive online job portal. 
  4. Assist existing businesses in their expansion by offering tax incentives, fostering relationships for business growth and supporting property renovations. 
  5. Develop regional properties by marketing them through an updated website and engaging with prospects virtually and in person. 
  6. Engage community organizations by increasing media presence, volunteerism and facilitating pandemic-related financial aid. 
  7. Pursue economic diversification and encourage entrepreneurial ventures in the region.

With these goals in mind, we’re continuing our charge forward to create a thriving, prosperous region that attracts new businesses and residents and brings more opportunities to current residents and businesses.

JREDC: Your Partner in Business Growth and Development

During EDW, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of all of our partners, investors and local leaders who are committed to driving economic growth and improving our community's quality of life.

We are your time-saving connection to resources that can accelerate your project by providing the facts and figures businesses need: statistical data, general community data, topic-specific information and comparative data. Email JREDC or phone 217.479.4627 for specific information on available buildings and sites, financing and incentives, labor market information, tax information, demographics, traffic counts, retail sales data, economic indicators and trends and zoning information.

JREDC’s Employment Opportunity page is a no-cost resource analytically proven to be a valuable “one-stop-shop” benefiting local employers and job seekers alike. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay up to date on our work.